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dentify what animal you are using. 2. Identify the constant of proportionality somewhere on your paper/poster board. 3. Using the constant of proportionality, write an equation for your table. 4. Create an X/Y table for your line

  1. Identify what animal you are using. 2. Identify the constant of proportionality somewhere on your paper/poster board. 3. Using the constant of proportionality, write an equation for your table. 4. Create an X/Y table for your line a. The table should include how far the animal will have traveled at hours 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 5. Explain in words what this equation means. 6. Make it creative!

Animal Option

Sea horses- 0.5 mph

Slug- 0.2 mph

Koala Bear- 6 mph

Manatee-5 mph

Turtle- 1.5 mph

Walrus- 4 mph

Loris- 0.5 mph


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